Silence after
the explosion
in Silicone Valley

audioperformance - instrument research 

What remains of our operating systems if the access to the virtual is cut off? What happens on the surface, the point of contact between information and body? Sound artist Anne van de Star decouples touching screens from its purposeful function for digital communication and access to knowledge and brings it back to its essence: the encounter of solid and flexible matter, of skin, breath and glass.

How deep can we go if we stay on the surface and what information is hidden behind the scenes?

Anne van de Star (NL) lives and works in Antwerp. She obtained a master's degree in Mixed Media in Ghent. Since 2015, she has been working as a composer, electronic performer and visual artist. Anne's work was presented throughout Europe. She has already presented her research of sculptural sound possibilities in Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Turkey.

This research takes place in the context of Collective Public Sound.

In collaboration with C-TAKT, Musica, Impulse Center for Music, POSTX.

Developed in pa-f.

Peformance 16 mei in POST-X afgelast - canceled door corona-virus.

        SiliconeValley_1_researchvideo from Anne van de Star on Vimeo.

Prototype #1