SHIFT (encounters), 2024

SHIFT (encounters) is an album and a visual work in progress.

The core of this work revolves around transformative composition techniques and social encounters and who the one can represent the other.

As a computer musician I am fascinated by the intimicy of musicians practicing their accoustic instruments. The physical investment and the endless hours of vulnerability seem to be from a different planet compared to my practise of digital and electronic productions.

Over the last couple of years I invited myself occasionally to rehearsals and practice moments of befriended instrumentalists - like the cellist Julia Kortoba, flutist Dominika Àcs first, violist Clara Levi to observe their practice and subsequently to record them, mainly during their technical exercises.

New electronic compositions, in which movements were mechanised and new patterns were created, were based on these recordings. The result has been a number of compositions and videos that are currently in the final stages of completion. 

Drafts of SHIFT (Encounters) can be lisented here.  

Selected Stills from SHIFT Encounters